eSimon™ SCORM-Compatible Software Simulator

Customer rep training has never felt so real. eSimon™ allows learners to practice software, learn customer-agent dialogs, and take life-like simulations where they perform software tasks while talking to a simulated customer.

eSimon activities can be roleplays or full simulations, so you can develop a curriculum that lets your learners gain new skills gradually—until they're ready for a life-like, on-the-job simulation experience.

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SCORM-compatible, web-deployed

eSimon works with any SCORM-compliant learning management system (LMS) to launch, save scores, and track learner performance. eSimon is a "smart client" application that deploys and updates transparently through a standard web browser—while utilizing the power and speed of a desktop application.

Simulations, not screenshots

Our simulations are not screenshot trickery. Learners click through a working system, enter data, and talk to customers—just as they would on the job. And later, you can review performance metrics and even listen to the customer-agent dialogs.

Metrics, not just numbers

Reporting features provide useful information about each learner: scores, missed entries, completion times, and so on.You can even listen to learner-recorded audios over the web when learners take dialog-based simulations.

One mock, many uses

eSimon accomplishes life-like simulations by using a functioning "mock" of your software system. Once your mock is built, you can re-use it to create additional training as needed. You can use the mock for navigation practice or for full simulations—and all with no screenshots to track or update. If you don't have the staff to create or maintain simulation scenarios, we can even create them for you.

Variable guidance

Create different levels of guidance and help for learners at different skill levels. Beginners can practice a scenario with complete instructions—where to click and what to say—and advanced learners can complete the same scenario with no help at all.

Supportive learning

Nobody wants to talk to an empty screen. In roleplay activities, eSimon displays multimedia to emphasize concepts and aid memorization.

It's all in the delivery

A dialog is more than an exchange of words, but how does a computer teach empathy or attitude? eSimon allows mentors to review a learner's dialogs and give personalized suggestions on tone, timing, attitude, and delivery—because it's not only what you say, but how you say it.

Memorize, practice, simulate

In roleplay activities, learners first hear how a customer-agent dialog should sound. Then, they practice the dialog piece-by-piece—with various levels of help and without being judged. When they are ready, they record and pass off the entire dialog. Then, they can move on to a full simulation activity of the same scenario, where they can converse with a simulated customer while using the "mock" software.

[eSimon simulation activity]

eSimon simulation activity

[eSimon Simulation Designer]

eSimon Simulation Designer